Experimental Testing

How can I help you?

Experimental testing is needed in development phase for several reasons.

Reliable simulation results require reliable material models

Reliable material parameters can be determined by measurements. Our engineers have extensive experience in materials testing for metals and fibre-reinforced polymer composites.
A great advantage for our customers is that Econ Engineering offers the following services from a single source, in-house by our own engineers:

  • measurements, testing,
  • evaluation of measurement results,
  • determination of material parameters for simulation input,
  • simulation calculations.

In addition to simulation, the verification of certain components should also be verified by physical tests

In order to carry out the component tests, it is necessary to design individual devices. The tests may be quasi-static or fatigue tests.
Here again, a major advantage in terms of efficiency is that the test and the simulation are carried out in one hand. This guarantees that the tests are performed under the same boundary conditions.

Quasi-Static Tests

Testing Machine

Hegewald&Peschke Inspect Table 50 kN,
Instron 8801 +/-100 kN fatigue testing machine,
Fixture units for tension, compression, bending and shear,
For the measurement an unidirectional extensometer is also available.


At the customer’s request, a design of the test piece will be specified for the materials used by the customer. Econ engineers are familiar with the relevant standards for metals and composites for the design.

Reliable material characterization of different materials in such a way that only the minimum required quantity of test pieces are produced, reducing the customer’s costs.

In addition to quasi-static tests, it is also possible to perform creep tests. The tests examine the response of the material to long-term continuous loading and also determine the creep curves characteristic of the material.

Fatigue Tests

Testing Machine

Instron 8801 +/-100 kN fatigue testing machine,
Fixture units for tension, compression, bending and shear.


The test equipment is used to carry out fatigue tests. It can be used to measure the fatigue curve of welded joints and materials.

The materials are cyclically loaded at different load levels, followed by an evaluation of the number of cycles number to failure. Based on a statistical evaluation of the measurement results, fatigue curves with different survival probabilities can be determined.

In particular, we have a wide range of experience in the testing of welded joints for our customers, with applications in the bus and railway industries as examples.

Strain Gauge Tests

Testing Machine

HBM QuantumX 8-channel measurement amplifier,
Catman data acquisition system software.


Carrying out strain gauge stamp measurements at the customer’s premises or at a location specified by the customer.

Key reference: measurements carried out on a railway manufacturer’s own 40-tonne test bench.

Thermal Camera Tests

Testing Machine

Optris thermal camera,
PIXconnect software system.


On-site thermal camera inspections. Investigation of the heating of machinery, equipments, during test or live operation.



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