Econ presented at NAFEMS Seminar for Materials Modeling for Engineering Simulations in Helsinki. Our presentation was about the Introduction of the Concept of an Intelligent Material Characterization System for Reinforced and Unreinforced Polymeric Materials for Simulation Purposes. The topic is tied to Tender – KFI 2021 which is a joint R&D tender project of eCon Engineering Kft. and Pannon University.
Dr. Balázs Zsigmond senior business development manager of econ presented at the NAFEMS Seminar in Helsinki. NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation Community. The aim of the two-day event was to explore the topic of Current Practices and Future Challenges of Materials Modeling for Engineering Simulations. The event included keynote presentations, technical presentations, and two workshops. Econ showcased a presentation in connection with the company’s KFI-2021 Tender. In the joint R&D project with Pannon University, the primary focus of development is on advanced materials, especially rubber (elastomers) and continuous fiber-reinforced polymer composites. The title of the project is Precision Characterization of Nonlinear Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced and Unreinforced Polymeric Materials for Engineering Simulations.
At the NAFEMS Seminar econ provided a sneak-peak into this project. Its aim is to develop algorithms and turn them into user products. It is an interesting holistic, data-driven approach including high-precision parameter fitting and postprocessing of evaluated data in the aspects of Uncertainty Quantification, stability check, evaluation of the range of applicability, fitted model rating from accuracy, parameter identifiability, and robustness aspect.

If you are further interested in the topic, please contact our senior simulation engineer & project leader László Kovács. (