János Szegletes, head of software support at econ, presented “Simulation – The Motor of Engineering Design” at the BME Motorsport Academy. Participants were given a comprehensive insight into the world of engineering simulations and Ansys simulation software.
The BME Motorsport Team, consisting of university students, organizes recurring lectures for engineering undergraduates. The companies sponsoring the BME Motorsport Team introduce today’s engineering technologies to future professionals through presentations. Thus, the aim of the Motorsport Academy event is to raise students’ interest in engineering topics, including engineering simulation.
Econ was delighted to have the opportunity to be invited as a presenter at the BME Motorsport Academy lecture by the team. We devote attention and energy to educating the engineers of the future. As official sponsors, we also support the team with Ansys simulation software.
Our presentation by János Szegletes, head of software support, focused on engineering simulation challenges and solutions based on real industrial examples.