Econ Presents at ISimT-24 Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery
Econ Engineering's CFD simulation presentation was selected among 22 professional expositions at the Munich ISimT-24 Symposium on Econ Engineering's CFD simulation presentation was selected among 22 professional expositions at the Munich ISimT-24 Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery. It showcased Econ's project on redesigning a compressor to improve the efficiency of a water-steam cooling cycle.
22nd Econ Conference article on
The 22nd Econ Conference, a gathering of around 150 experts held in April, is covered in an article on Continuing its tradition, the event once again highlighted engineering simulation, its diverse applications and impacts across various industries.
Pioneering industries and fascinating topics at the 22nd Econ Conference
The 22nd Econ Conference, a renowned event for the engineering simulation profession, was packed with pioneering industries, fascinating topics, and presentations that captivated an audience of around 150 participants. Beyond the plenary and section presentations, the event also featured a professional roundtable discussion and the award ceremony for the 3rd Econ Simulation Study Competition.
Econ sponsored the 29th PLC Programming Competition
Ansys simulation software distributor and industrial automation expert Econ Engineering sponsored the 29th National Ajtonyi István PLC Programming Competition for the first time. Mainly electrical engineering students and teachers attended the 3-day event where Econ introduced its expertise.
Econ in the Technocatalyst program – Interview with Gábor Kiglics
As a committed supporter of the Hungarian startup ecosystem, Econ has joined the Technocatalyst program, which aims to support local startups and help them realize their innovative ideas. An interview with Econ CEO, Gábor Kiglics, about the company’s role in the Technocatalyst program was published on Startuponline.
Econ presentation at the NAFEMS Eastern Europe Conference
At the two-day NAFEMS Eastern Europe Conference in Krakow, Kristóf Szalai, Senior Structural Analyst at Econ, held a presentation about the the company's latest development, a unique method and software implementation for data-driven high-accuracy parameter fitting of simulation material models of reinforced and unreinforced polymeric materials.
New Econ article published in the Journal of Composite Materials
The article was co-authored by László Kovács (Econ) and published in Journal of Composite Materials (IF=2.9). It discusses how a new, highly accurate method using FEA and simple off-axis tension experiments offer a truer picture of a composite material's in-plane shear response under multiaxial loading.
Econ in the Hungarian Space Kaleidoscope journal
Econ is featured in newly published Space Kaleidoscope journal, which aims to provide insight into the diverse activities of the Hungarian space sector.
New study under Econ-led RDI project on polymeric materials
A new study has been published in an open access journal (IF 4.0), under Econ-led polymeric materials RDI project.
Fiber-reinforced 3D printing publication in Polymers journal
A scientific publication on fiber-reinforced 3D printing was co-authored by Econ Engineering, and released in Polymers Journal.