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Higher level of product design – Ansys 2021 R1 has arrived!

The new version of Ansys, 2021 R1, offers significant improvements, more efficient solutions in engineering simulation technology to achieve the highest level of product design feasible.

Below you can find a summary about the most important information as for this new version. Unfortunately, due to space limitations, we are unable to present all the new features in one article, so if you need further informations or if you have questions, please contact our software team at e-mail address.


  • New integrated Bolt Tools app in Mechanical – Beyond containing all the important tools in one tab, it provides a streamlined workflow of modelling bolt connections.

  • New short fiber composites simulation workflow. The Material Designer computes the anisotropic elasto-plastic properties of the short fiber composite (1), from which homogenized, variable material is stored in Engineering Data (2). With the new Injection Molding Data system, results from the most popular injection molding simulation tools (e.g., Moldex3d) can be imported (3), thus In Mechanical, principal fiber directions are imported as element orientations and their corresponding eigenvalues are imported as material fields (4).

  • Recording option with several new functions is not beta anymore. In 2021R1 this feature supports the definition of environmental conditions such as contact, loading, and results but can also capture movements made on the model as well as certain display settings and model manipulation features.


  • New A-Φ 3D Transient Solver – This new Maxwell solver allows to take into account the effect of displacement current, and determining inductance and capacitance matrix. This solver is well suited for power busbar topologies with multi-terminals and mixed-type excitations, high voltage/electric field devices and PCB – noise, vibration analysis applications.

  • User input spatially varying temperature and material properties – In Maxwell, for 2 and 3D transient solvers, it is possible to define the spatial distribution of temperature and material property (conductivity, permeability, permittivity). This option allows the result of an external solver to be used in the transient simulation. The “clp” (closest point interpolation) built-in function is available for 3D dataset interpolation.

  • HFSS Mesh Fusion – Thanks to this new meshing and solver technology, parts of very different sizes can easily be taken into account in one simulation. This means independent and optimal mesh regions and scale for each region. This can improve the reliability of the multi-scale assembly designs such as television touchscreen in EMI chamber.

  • General innovations

The simulation knowledge management application, Ansys Minerva is available in AEDT. Open/save of meta data images (2D reports and field plots) for 3D model.
New “expandable” Profile view with collapsible sections
Network Data Explorer has new ribbon-based UI

  • Q3D Extractor – New terminal / Meshing and direct solver improvement for CG solution

Uniform current terminals for improves inductance calculation for power electronics applications with large terminals.
Prime meshing technology improves accuracy and convergence for CG solution
Performance improvements for the direct solver in CG solution. Targeted for ill-conditioned problems.


  • Spaceclaim now offers the ability to accurately measure deviations at any point. This feature can be useful for anyone who wants to 3D scan the product, then compare it with the original CAD geometry.

  • In version 2021R1, the built-in ToolBox makes it easy to insert standard components such as screws and washers in our models.

  • The possibilities of parameterization have also been expanded, as it is already possible to select a reference point for entering a specific parameter.


  • Automated workflow for fluid-solid-thermal simulation – you can evaluate thermal and fluid performance of manifolds, water jackets and heat exchangers.

  • Enables optimization of individual parts within an assembly.


The product design can be implemented faster and more efficiently:

  • Hexcore mesh in Fluent meshing Watertight workflow has a new option to avoid hanging nodes, so you can produce CFX compatible hexcore mesh for your simulation. This method produces reduced cell counts for the same mesh resoultion compared to tet/prism meshes. The time to solve is reduced by 30%.

  • From now, you can export monitor data to .csv so you can calculate average values from the last iterations if the results are oscillating.


You can read more about all the new features of Ansys R1 on the Ansys website in English, where you can also register for webinars related to each area.

If you have any further questions or requests related to the Ansys product family or to engineering simualtion, please feel free to contact us at or at our phone number, (+36-1) 279-03-20!



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