Ansys SCADE Student software helps students acquire basic design and development skills.
As more and more students participate in design competitions, capstone projects and simulation-led design for homework and projects, they need access to engineering software off-campus.
This access will enable them to optimize their designs, learn the basics of simulation and study workflows used in companies around the world.
This explains the success of Ansys’ free student software. Currently, over 1 million downloads have provided budding engineers with core technologies, like:
Ansys Discovery Live Student – for simulation-led design during early development
Ansys Discovery AIM Student – for those new to simulation
Ansys Student – for advanced multiphysics simulations. This is an Ansys Workbench based bundle which includes:
- Ansys Mechanical for structural modeling
- Ansys CFD for fluid modeling
- Ansys Discovery SpaceClaim for 3D modeling
- Ansys Autodyn for short impact and severe loading scenarios
- Ansys DesignXplorer for optimizations and parametric assessments
Students will be thrilled to hear the announcement of a new free product, Ansys SCADE Student. This software will help them learn core design and development skills in the realm of embedded software.
To gain access, read: Ansys Free Student Software Downloads.
What Is SCADE Student?
SCADE Student is based on Ansys’ model-based design (MBD) and code generation technology for embedded software. It contains SCADE Suite’s Advanced Modeler, KCG C Code Generator and a certified toolset used for industrial safety-critical embedded software creation.

Engineers use the model-based development tool to design systems for aerospace, railway, energy, automotive and industrial applications, such as:
- Autonomous piloting and driving systems
- Advanced driver assisted systems (ADAS)
- Power, engine, battery and fuel management
- Vehicle control
- Nuclear power plant control
How Can Students Use Ansys SCADE?
Students will benefit from the MBD and code generation abilities of SCADE. Since the code is generated by the software, it limits the number of human errors that can be created.
Students can model, simulate and integrate systems using the functional mock-up (FMU) environment within an integrated development editor. Once they model the system and its software controls, they are able to generate the code that controls the system to adhere to their settings. This generated code is portable and operational on any operating system or target hardware.
From this workflow, students will learn about real-time safety-critical embedded software design and how it is used to control various systems.
To learn how to perform these tasks, students can gain access to video-based tutorials and a software embedded user manual. Ansys provides an easy way to get your questions answered via the Ansys Student Community and the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
How Professors Add Ansys SCADE to their Curriculum
Professors will want to instruct students on how to use SCADE because it can help them solve problems that affect various industries, including:
- Industrial equipment
- Automotive
- Aerospace and Defense
- Rail
Professors that teach embedded software, automation and controllers are able to show how equations and control laws are modeled in SCADE Suite. They can then provide assignments and capstone projects to reinforce these lessons. Thanks to the free software option, students can use SCADE Student to work on those assignments through their personal laptops.

These lessons, assignments and projects help prepare the next generation of systems simulation experts. This would be a benefit to the employment chances of these students as SCADE technology is already used by leaders in the field, like: Airbus or Subaru.
To gain access to SCADE Student and other Ansys student software, visit:Ansys Free Student Software Downloads